Frequently Asked Questions
The best time to place nuc orders is from November to February, and the final date to order from will be March 1st. Ordering sooner than later allows us enough time to prepare nucs for spring pick-up. Order before January 28th for $20 off every hive purchase!
Nucs will be ready for pick-up on April 29th in Rowlett, Texas.
Absolutely! Each year we offer a field day as part of our intro to beekeeping class. During the excursion, students put on their bee suits, pickup their hive tools, and dig into colonies to see the hive in all its glory. Dates for 2023 are TBA. Please send an email to for updates about class dates!
Make sure you’ve got your personal protective equipment: bee suit, gloves, hive tool, and smoker. For the hive, you’ll need at least one Langstroth deep hive box for each nuc with frames, a bottom board, and cover. We also recommend a feeder for each nuc and sugar syrup feed to get them off to a good start!
Beekeeping is as much a science as it is an art. There is a lot of information about bees that you’ll need to know if you want your hives to be successful, otherwise you run the risk of colony death or swarming. Join us for a fun one-time lecture class + field day to learn everything you need to know about beekeeping! Dates are TBA, please send an email to for more info.
Yes! Many Americans have begun beekeeping as a result of needing bees for ag credit. If you would like bees on your land for ag credit, we can help by supplying nucs and educating you about becoming a beekeeper! Contact us for more info.